September 4th, 2019

Libart - Then and Now

The new world with the Covid-19 virus revolutionizes the preferences of a customer. In order to choose the café or restaurant customer asks himself, Is it a Safe Zone?

What is a Safe Zone? A place that adheres to international hygienic standards and follows the WHO (world health organization) guidelines of Social Distancing at their space. A minimum distance of 2m is recommended for cafes and restaurants. With the governments around the globe started to lift the lockdowns, they are giving the flexibility for café/restaurant owners in outdoor spaces. This is because of the results from various credible researches where they found that the outbreak of the virus in open spaces is very rare.

The new world with the Covid-19 virus revolutionizes the preferences of a customer. In order to choose the café or restaurant customer asks himself, Is it a Safe Zone? If your business is answering YES for this query you are going to survive and ultimately grow otherwise soon you will become the part of history.

The day you start planning to change the banner from close to open, you should start thinking about seating capacity. The indoors can be managed with seating arrangement at a certain distance but what about your plan for precious outdoor? What should be done, that the essence of delightful open space experience won’t be lost at all? Valuable space needs a solution.

Panora Kinetic: The solution you need

Panora Kinetic having a minimalistic structure fabricated on the futuristic approach is a perfect solution for your outdoor. The vertical retracting windbreak glass balustrade with minimum frames will serve as an invisible wall protecting your customers from close contact thus creating a safe zone.

Why this is the best product for creating a safe spot? The high-value Panora Kinetic is primarily a barrier for unwanted wind for outdoor seating. It carries the idea of isolation in an open area, but that isolation didn’t restrict the feel of outdoor experience. The customers will enjoy their time like they are in pre-pandemic time & that is what everyone is craving for.
Safe Zone immediately put an icon of EXCLUSIVE at your brand. Your competitors will be far behind from your restaurant when it comes to adhering to the WHO guideline. That simply originates the superiority that leads to becoming the customers' 1st choice.

The Panora Kinetic is not a product, it’s a solution-oriented approach that makes it flexible enough to cater to every space. From fix-base to portable flower box the vertical retracting glass balustrade have the durability and reliability because of the high-quality aluminum frame and glass. The retraction can move the system to the height of 185 cm enabling a complete solitude.

  • Fast delivery and production time
  • Glass systems that are durable for outdoor usage
  • Easy to operate and Ascetic
  • Easy to install 

Contact us to receive an approach to your problem [email protected] 

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