Kimpton Gray Hotel

Kimpton Gray Hotel

Project Name:Kimpton Gray Hotel
Location:Chicago / USA
Solution:Hotel & Resort
System:Retractable Skylights
Sub System:ClearSky
Size:91 x 116 m
Project Number:3366

Boleo is a restaurant and lounge located on the rooftop of the newly established Kimpton Gray Hotel. It brings a splash of authentic South American cuisine while showcasing a breathtaking retractable glass skylight roof. 

Boleo operates inside of a 4,000-square-foot space and has a seating capacity of approximately 150. It offers radiant beams of sunlight (daylighting) through its retractable glass roof, providing a stark contrast from the typical dim lit hotel hallways. Thanks to Libart’s Clearsky, Boleo possesses an open air dining feel, ensuring that patrons feel invigorated.

Libart Solution:
Design: Model E7B-TG
Span: 36 feet Length: 46 feet Bays: 8 Modules: 4
Retraction: R-3 One Direction Retraction
Options: Motorized Operation, IG Glass Glazing, AAMA 2605 Powder Coated Frame
Glazing: 1” Insulated VNE1-63 with ceramic frit (1/8” dots with 30% coverage)
Frame: Titan 190mm Frame – 70 degree sidewalls

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