Masjid Ash Shaliheen Mosque

Masjid Ash Shaliheen Mosque

Project Name:Masjid Ash Shaliheen Mosque
Solution:Leisure & Recreation
System:Retractable Skylights
Sub System:ClearSky
Size:15m X 10m (49' x 32')
Glazing:6+6 Tempered and Laminated Reflective Glass
Project Number:3941

This project is the skylight of a Surau courtyard named Masjid Ash Shaliheen in Brunei Darussalam. This custom designed motorized retractable glass Skylight is part of Masjid Ash Shaliheen building complex of Prime Minister Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah’s office at Jalan Kumbang Pasang.

This fantastic Skylight ClearSky roofing solution is an excellent example of how buildings can be combined with Libart systems allowing indoor comfort and outdoor freedom for structures.

Libart’s ClearSky retractable skylights allow multi-purpose and unobstructed open air spaces to glazed atriums.

Libarts products are enclosures specific to the needs of the customer and the building.

Contact us and see how we can help you with your skylight needs and create multi-purpose areas in your designs.

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